Overcome Alcohol Detox in Supervised Safety

What is alcohol detox?

Alcohol detox is the first step to treating alcohol addiction. During the detox, all alcohol is flushed from the body, and sobriety can begin. For somebody who has been drinking a large quantity of alcohol over a long period of time, alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be extremely dangerous to manage without the supervision of experienced medical professionals. Undergoing alcohol detox at home is not recommended because it can result in death.

At the Hader Clinic’s Melbourne treatment facility, we can help people manage their addiction with a holistic alcohol withdrawal treatment. With medical care and treatment, we can show you how to safely detox from alcohol and start a new chapter in your life. The biological side effects of alcohol withdrawal syndrome can be difficult to manage, but the emotional and psychological effects also present issues. The Hader Clinic offers a holistic model of care that helps patients manage all of their issues. We believe caring for your overall well-being gives you the best chance of recovery.

What is alcohol detox?

Who should detox from alcohol?

If you have a problem with alcohol abuse or know somebody who does, consider booking into alcohol detox. It is the first step in beating alcohol addiction and has a host of benefits. After detoxing safely, a recovering alcoholic can:

  • Build relationships that don't depend on alcohol
  • Work with professionals to prevent relapsing
  • Improve their mental, physical and spiritual health
  • Find a new and meaningful life beyond addiction

The Hader Clinic’s alcohol detox problem is designed for those with severe alcohol dependence. Alcohol abuse causes significant damage to the central nervous system, and patients battling their addiction will experience a host of severe withdrawal symptoms. A casual drinker might only experience a mild hangover after they stop drinking; an alcoholic’s withdrawal symptoms can be far worse.

And how long does alcohol detox take? People recover at different paces. But all addicts can expect similar alcohol withdrawal symptoms, especially over the first week. Here’s an overview of what mental and physical symptoms addicts can expect to face. Just remember, you won’t be facing these challenges alone.

Alcohol detox


Day 1

The first phase of alcohol withdrawal begins within 6 hours of your last drink. There will be mild symptoms, like:

  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Hand tremor
  • Heart palpitations
  • Insomnia
  • Panic attacks

Days 1 to 3

Over the next few days, your alcohol withdrawal symptoms will intensify and will include:

  • Delirium tremens (DTs)
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Increased body temperature
  • Rapid abnormal breathing
  • Confusion

Days 3 and Beyond

The most severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal will begin to set in. Without the supervision of experienced medical professionals, this is the stage most likely to result in serious medical complications. It is possible, even likely, that you may experience life-threatening symptoms, including:

  • Hallucinations, both visual and auditory
  • Disorientation
  • Problems paying attention
  • Seizures

Factors that influence withdrawal from alcohol


Thinking about starting the alcohol detox process on your own? Reconsider. Alcohol withdrawal without the supervision of a certified addiction professional can be fatal.

Detoxing from alcohol under medical supervision is the safest way forward

There are many unpleasant symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, like tremors, insomnia, anxiety, dehydration, and nausea. The dangers of alcohol detox are far from trivial. People who are more severely dependent on alcohol may even experience hallucinations, seizures, and potentially fatal delirium tremens. It is far safer to experience these symptoms under safe and controlled medical conditions.

  • With professional substance abuse treatment, the physical effects of alcohol withdrawal can be mitigated
  • Delirium tremens can be deadly but is far safer when medical help is at hand
  • Monitoring can be provided through acute withdrawal and continue until the danger has entirely subsided
Detoxing from alcohol under medical supervision is the safest way forward
See if we can work with your health fund to make alcohol detox more affordable.
Learn about private health insurance

Post-detox: what you can expect

Sobriety isn’t guaranteed once the detox process ends. Although the physical symptoms of withdrawal may have been reined in, an alcoholic's psychological dependency on alcohol can be far more persistent. Spiritual malaise, emotional distress, social isolation — the list of the negative impacts of alcohol addiction can feel impossible to overcome.

But achieving a meaningful and healthy life free from alcohol is possible. We will work with you to strengthen your resolve and reduce alcohol cravings one day at a time.

We offer an Inpatient Rehabilitation Program to holistically address these issues. It gives you the best chance of success at staying sober immediately after detoxing from alcohol. From there, support continues with our Outpatient Rehabilitation Program and additional Support Programs.

We won't leave you high and dry after detoxing from alcohol. Our team can provide the support you need to stay on the right track.

Post-detox: what you can expect

Frequently asked questions about detoxing from alcohol

Is it safe to alcohol detox from home?

It can be very unsafe to detox from alcohol at home. Somebody with a physical dependency on alcohol is at a high level of danger when going through alcohol withdrawal syndrome, with increasingly serious symptoms emerging over a series of days. Without clinical management under a rehab health professional, withdrawal delirium can cause death.

Where should you go for alcohol detox?

Ensure that the process is overseen by a medical professional who can provide support, treatment, and monitor your condition. That is the best and healthiest way to safely detox from alcohol.

How long does alcohol rehabilitation take?

For most people, the initial detox stage of alcohol addiction treatment is finished within 28 days. But the journey towards sobriety is unique to all addicts, and long-term recovery can last years.

What should you do after alcohol detox?

Detox is only the primary stage in alcohol rehabilitation treatment at the Hader Clinic. Patients can then progress to other treatments, like Inpatient Rehabilitation, Transitional Housing, and Outpatient Relapse Prevention.

How does your body detox from alcohol?

The body adapts itself to the constant presence of alcohol by overproducing certain chemicals to cope. When a person stops drinking, the body becomes unbalanced and normal functioning is impaired. 

During the detox, the body needs time to reset back to normal functionality safely.

How to start recovering from alcoholism with The Hader Clinic

28-Day Withdrawal & Detox Program

With a 28-Day Detox Program, the physical effects of alcohol withdrawal are managed by a medical team. Through therapy, the emotional and psychological effects of alcohol addiction will also begin to be treated.

  1. Stay at our detoxing centre and flush the alcohol safely from your body
  2. Participate in individual and group therapy
  3. Build up the skills and will to progress further

As we are a specialist private hospital, you may find that treatment is covered by your private health fund. VIEW FUNDING OPTIONS.

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Inpatient Rehabilitation Program

When you've successfully detoxed, you can make the move to our inpatient facility. With ongoing therapy in a safe environment, you'll gain insight into your addiction and gain the skills for retaining your sobriety in the outside world. This can be a long stage — as many as 90 days — but it arms you with the best chance to achieve life-long freedom from addiction.

  1. 24-hour support staff will live alongside you in our inpatient facility
  2. Individual and group therapy continues
  3. Discover new activities, like sport and art projects
Learn more

Outpatient Relapse Prevention

Having undergone detox and inpatient treatment, you're ready to go back into the outside world. But that doesn't mean you have to go it alone. Therapy continues and remains available for as long as you want support.

  1. Transitional Housing provides a safe re-entry into everyday life
  2. Group and individual therapies keep going and supporting you
  3. Family therapy can help you repair personal relationships
Learn more

entry into our Detox Programs begins with a priority admission service

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