Drug detox

Understanding and managing the signs of drug detox

What is drug detox?

Drug detox is the process of allowing the body to remove the drugs it has become dependent on. Rather than going cold turkey, the process of drug detox allows patients to safely ween off drugs with medical assistance. This is an essential step toward preventing relapse in the future. The best drug detox methods take place at private medical facilities, like The Hader Clinic.

The Hader Clinic knows how to manage drug detox for all kinds of drug addictions. We help by assisting patients as they begin detoxing from the drug's side effects, managing the physical, emotional, and psychological impacts of withdrawal. This forms part of the first step in our holistic drug detox treatment, which has been designed to give patients the best possible chance of recovery.

What is drug detox?

Who should start drug detox?

Anyone who abuses drugs should consider drug detox. Anyone who has a loved one with a substance abuse problem should consider getting them into drug detox. Drug detox treatment is the first step in finding recovery from drug addiction, and can help an addict:

  • Effectively manage drug detox symptoms to prevent future relapse
  • Discover a new life free from dependence on drugs
  • Improve relationships with family, friends, and coworkers
  • Work towards a healthier body, mind, and outlook

All drugs have different withdrawal symptoms, in the same way that all addicts have different reactions to withdrawal. This is by no means a comprehensive list of withdrawal side effects — simply the most widely reported. Here's an overview of what you can expect to happen to the body and the mind during the first 28 days of drug detox.

Drug detox

The process of drug withdrawal

Day 0

It's usually here that addicts make the decision to quit. Whether it is following a crisis situation or by some other means, addicts will usually still be under the influence, and feeling the effects of:

  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Decreased memory and cognitive function
  • Psychosis and obsession
  • Emotional responses like paranoia and depression
  • Damaged family relationships
  • Damaged self esteem and self worth

Day 1

24 hours have passed, and the effects of withdrawal start to transition from mild to intense. Addicts report feeling:

  • Strong drug cravings
  • Depression, anxiety or paranoia
  • Dehydration and trouble swallowing
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Muscle aches
  • Insomnia
  • Temperature fluctuations

Day 2 – 14

During the first and second week, symptoms can vary from being at their strongest to abating completely. Be ready for symptoms of:

  • Almost irresistible drug cravings
  • Depression, anxiety, and paranoia
  • Gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhoea

Day 14 –28

Here is when addicts are at risk of Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, where brain chemicals fluctuate without the presence of drugs. This can result in:

  • Losing sight of sobriety
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Agitation and anger
  • Lack of motivation
  • Intense cravings
  • Inability to feel pleasure

Factors that influence drug detox and withdrawal

Where can I detox safely?

Many people consider detoxing from drugs at home. This is, of course, an option available to everyone, and is cheaper than detoxing at a private clinic. However, detoxing without assistance can be difficult, and sometimes dangerous.

Why medically supervised drug detox is the safest option

At-home drug detox processes can work in some cases. However, these have been proven to be largely ineffective. If you want the best possible chance at freedom from drug addiction and relapse, then in-patient drug detox treatment from The Hader Clinic is your best bet. Here's why we always recommend that patients detox at a proper drug detox facility:

  • Professional supervision ensures that the physical effects of detox are well managed.
  • Medical assistance can prevent dangers like coma and death when detoxing from substances like benzodiazepines.
  • Treatment and therapies can manage both acute withdrawal and post-acute withdrawal phases.
Why medically supervised drug detox is the safest option
Our drug detox programs can be supported, in part, by private health insurance.
Learn about private health insurance

After drug detox: what to expect

Like the process of drug detox, everyone's post-detox experience will vary. It's hard to know exactly what to expect. By definition, the detox phase extends until the body is free from the chemical substance, and there is no danger from physical withdrawal symptoms. This will usually take between a few days and a few weeks.

However, it's important to understand that the work does not end there. The psychological effects of addiction remain. The body will still crave drugs, even after detox. The addict may experience a range of emotional problems, as well. Socially, an addict may have difficulty adjusting to life without drugs, and they may have a damaged spiritual relationship with themselves and the world around them.

Our Inpatient Rehabilitation Program aims to address these effects holistically, to give you the best possible chance at success after drug detox. Following your stay as an inpatient, you can receive ongoing support as an outpatient through our Outpatient Rehabilitation Program and additional Support Programs.

After drug detox: what to expect

Frequently asked questions about drug detox

How long does drug detox take?

Because all drugs, addictions, and patients are different, there is no one answer to this question. However, for most substances, users will complete their drug detox treatment within 28 days. From here, patients can progress to inpatient rehabilitation as the next stage in addiction treatment.

What drugs are used to help detox?

There are a plethora of drugs that our medical staff use to help ease the drug detox process for our patients. These include:

  • Anti-nausea medication
  • Benzodiazepines, including diazepam
  • Long-acting benzodiazepines can be substituted for short-acting benzodiazepines to help the patient ween off
  • Antipsychotics like olanzapine
  • Antidepressants and mood stabilising medications
  • Opioid and non-opioid agonists and antagonists
  • Methadone
  • Buprenorphine

All drugs are administered responsibly by medical practitioners who formulate individual pharmacological strategies for every patient.

What happens when you detox from drugs?

We have described a lot of what to expect when detoxing from drugs in the information provided above. However, it is important to understand just how important the drug detox process is. This is your first step towards ultimate freedom from substances for life. Detox is the first step, and a difficult one at that. But it can be managed with our help.

What is the best way to detox from drugs?

The best way to detox from drugs is with medical supervision in a dedicated facility. At The Hader Clinic, you'll get all the support you need to successfully detox from drugs. We can help you manage the physical, emotional, and psychological fallout of withdrawal, while starting you on your journey to address the social and spiritual detractors of addiction. It's all part of our holistic treatment method.

Can you die from detoxing from drugs?

Yes. If unsupervised, withdrawal from certain substances can kill you. This is rare, but not so rare as to be safely ignored. Here's how withdrawal from certain drugs can kill you as you attempt to detox:

  • Opiate withdrawal can lead to several adverse effects, including vomiting and diarrhoea. If the condition is serious enough, an addict can become dehydrated and die.
  • Benzodiazepine addiction can result in seizures depending on the severity of the addiction. Psychologically, many patients report feeling suicidal in the throes of benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Depending on the substance in question, any user can feel depressed or suicidal when deprived. These feelings must be managed with careful attention.

How The Hader Clinic can help you begin your detox journey

28-Day Withdrawal & Detox Program

Your drug detox begins with our 28-Day Withdrawl & Detox Program. Here, the team at our private hospital will begin to guide you through drug detox, helping you manage the physical symptoms of withdrawal with medication. You'll also begin to manage the psychological, emotional, and spiritual effects of substance addiction with therapy.

  1. Attend our specialist medical detox centre
  2. Take part in our individual and group therapy sessions
  3. Gain plenty of ongoing support to transition to the next phase

We are a specialist private hospital, and your treatment may be covered by your private health fund. VIEW FUNDING OPTIONS.

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Inpatient Rehabilitation Program

After overcoming the drug detox phase, you'll be able to transition to our inpatient facility. Here, you'll find your own sense of independence again, and continue working through our programs to better understand your addiction. This stage may take up to 90 days, but will give you the best chance at long-term freedom from drugs.

  1. Live in our inpatient facility with 24-hour support staff
  2. Continue learning about yourself with individual and group therapies
  3. Begin finding new interests in arts, sport, and other activities
Learn more

Outpatient Relapse Prevention

You are now ready to join the outside world again. You have worked through detox and inpatient treatment, and can rejoin society with the best possible chance of remaining free from drugs. However, you are not alone. The same therapies that you found success in are still available to you as an outpatient.

  1. Live in Transitional Housing from The Hader Clinic
  2. Keep attending group and individual therapy
  3. Access family therapy and repair relationships
Learn more

entry into our Detox Programs begins with a priority admission service

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