Residential mental health services

Understanding comorbid substance abuse and mental illness

The afflictions of addiction and mental health often go hand in hand. With proper mental health care, we can help establish whether you or your loved one’s substance use is a severe, underlying mental health issue symptom and treat both concurrently.


Get immediate mental health care for mental health disorders and substance abuse issues. If the situation is critical, we can facilitate priority admissions for patients in crisis.

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In the same way that substance addiction can be a symptom of a range of common mental health disorders, drugs and alcohol can instigate and inflame existing mental health issues.

Mental well-being can be affected by four main factors out of the patient's control. They are not a choice. These are:

  • Biological factors like hormonal balance and brain chemistry
  • Genealogical history, including hereditary mental health disorders such as depression and other mental illnesses
  • Life experiences, especially past trauma and abuse sustained by the patient
  • Substance use and misuse often result in addiction

Identifying these factors can lead to the correct diagnosis. At our treatment facility, patients access mental health services, including clinical psychologists and other mental health professionals who work in multidisciplinary teams to formulate holistic treatment plans for patients experiencing co-occurring disorders.

The Hader Clinic explains how addicts cannot predict how much they will use or control their use once they start using.


Mental health disorders and addictive substances can bring out the worst in each other. These co-occurring disorders can lead to serious side effects for the patient, which, fortunately, can be treated. These include:


  • Self-harm and suicide
  • Violence
  • Changes in brain chemistry
  • Fatigue and low energy levels
  • Constant nausea
  • Digestive problems
  • Decreased pain threshold


  • Triggers, compulsion, and obsession
  • Compulsive lying and denial
  • Decrease cognitive function
  • Disassociation with reality


  • Rapid, noticeable mood swings
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Paranoia and psychosis
  • Delusions and hallucinations
  • Aggression and anger


  • Reclusiveness and apathy
  • Damaged relationships with family and friends
  • Lack of interest in work, school, and hobbies
  • Inability to manage finances
  • Sexual problems


  • Damaged relationship with self
  • Damaged to self esteem and self worth
  • Inability to function without substances
  • Continuing to use despite consequences
We work with private health funds to support our patients.
Learn about private health insurance


Withdrawal from drugs and alcohol can present a crisis point for addicts suffering from mental health disorders or severe mental illness. This is because withdrawal puts a tremendous strain on the body but also on the mind as it attempts to reset chemical imbalances after the removal of substances.

Depending on the patient and the substance used, those afflicted with dual diagnosis may experience the following symptoms during the acute phase of withdrawal:

  • Anger and frustration
  • Disassociation from the world
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Dejection, hopelessness, and sadness

The Hader Clinic’s integrated approach to mental health care helps dual diagnosis patients manage their first 28-Day Withdrawal & Detox Program. Our team starts by addressing their withdrawal holistically in a safe residential care environment. We offer a comprehensive range of mental health services and concurrently treat the physical, psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual effects of withdrawal. This intensive treatment allows dual diagnosis patients to move onto the next stage of addiction with the best chance of ongoing success when they return to the general population.

Frequently asked questions about mental illnesses and substance misuse.

What are some statistics about mental health and addiction to substances?

The comorbidity of mental health disorders and drug abuse problems is a widely studied phenomenon. However, this hasn't always been the case. As we learn more about the influence that mental health and substance use have on each other, we can better understand the root causes of addiction and help our patients maintain recovery.

Here are some key figures that paint a picture of just how interlinked mental health and addiction are:

  • Around 50% of individuals with mental health issues are affected by a substance abuse problem.
  • 37% of alcohol abusers and 53% of drug abusers also have at least one severe mental illness. Of all people diagnosed as mentally ill, 29% abuse either alcohol or drugs.
  • In Australia, one in five (20%) aged 16-85 experience a mental illness in any year. The most common are depression, anxiety and substance use disorder.

Common mental health disorders we treat at Hader Clinic are:

  • Borderline personality disorder
  • PTSD
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Drug abuse

Seeking the help of professional mental health services can substantially improve your chances of recovery. Get in touch to start your free consultation today.

Why do people with a mental health disorder use drugs?

In short, the use of drugs and alcohol is a coping mechanism. Patients may be dealing with severe mental health symptoms, and because they do not have the therapeutic tools to deal with their illness, patients may self-medicate as a way of managing.  

Mental illness can be challenging to diagnose and often go undiagnosed for an extended period. The self-medication of substances to treat mental health issues is extremely dangerous and often worsens the original condition. 

The Hadar Clinic helps patients understand addiction and how it affects their mental well-being. We provide the care and support they need along with specialised clinical services that help to ensure they have the best possible chance of recovery.

What are some ways that I should take care of my mental health?

Practising self care is extremely important for looking after mental health and wellbeing. Just as the body needs exercise and healthy food, the mind needs attention to keep it running healthily.

Here are some day to day things you can do to practice good mental health care and keep your well-being in check:

  • Connect with other people by reaching out to them
  • Remain positive through your actions and words
  • Do physical exercise and make sure you are eating well
  • Help other people when they need support
  • Get enough sleep each night
  • Develop healthy coping skills for your existing issues
  • Make time for meditation and mindfulness

I thought my loved one was too smart to let their mental health and addiction take over. What happened?

Comorbid mental health and substance use issues have nothing to do with intelligence. Instead, your loved one’s mental health disorder likely stems from environmental, genetic, and other factors. Addiction doesn't discriminate by age, sex, income, or other factors.

And there’s absolutely no shame in seeking out the help of professional mental health services. At Hader Clinic, we help the patient, their friends, and family see mental health disorders and addiction as an affliction. And, like many illnesses, these issues can be treated. Our holistic treatments, involving different therapies and activities, are clinically proven to help treat addiction and give all patients the best shot at long term recovery.

Hear from our patients

entry into our Detox Programs begins with a priority admission service

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Education about mental health and dual diagnosis

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