Veterans' drug and alcohol rehab

Assisting veterans as they return from service and adjust to civilian life

The Hader Clinic is proud to be a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) approved provider of substance abuse and mental health care.

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The Department of Veterans' Affairs can help veterans suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. Get help now by contacting The Hader Clinic. We can offer quick admission for patients in crisis.

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Treating common issues faced by veterans

When veterans return from service, they are often thrown into civilian life with little or no assistance. This can be a traumatic time as veterans come to terms with their experiences, and attempt to readjust to life back at home. The stress can lead to drug and alcohol abuse, and the range of physical, psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual effects that come with it.

Fortunately, The Hader Clinic and The Department of Veterans' Affairs are here to help. The DVA issues health cards to veterans and their families to use on healthcare and related services. If you are a Gold or White DVA Health Card holder, you may be covered for a minimum 90 day program at no cost.

The Hader Clinic’s Richard Smith explains how addicts are not able to predict how much they are going to use once they start using or control their use.

Common issues faced by veterans returning home

Veterans face a myriad of issues when returning to civilian life. The Hader Clinic helps veterans by treating the whole self holistically — not just focusing on substance abuse problems. We understand that the many consequences of military service, and how they can cause a veteran to turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism.


The physical effects faced by veterans don't end with battlefield injuries. The highly dangerous nature of military service can result in:

  • Physical and musculoskeletal injuries sustained in service
  • Traumatic brain injuries from concussion
  • Infectious diseases picked up serving abroad
  • Hearing loss from blasts, gunfire, and engines
  • Lung issues from noxious fumes in warzones
  • Injuries from chemical agents of war, fuel, and cleaning agents
  • Autoimmune disorders brought on by stress
  • Unhealthy eating habits and malnutrition
  • Organ damage from drug and alcohol abuse


Military service places an enormous strain on the mind and body. Psychological manifestations common in veterans include:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Higher response to triggers
  • Obsession and compulsion
  • Somatic issues like psychogenic pain


Returning home from service can have a huge emotional toll on a veteran. Here are some common emotional problems that veterans face:

  • Apathy and loneliness
  • Dissociation and disconnection
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Mood swings and aggression
  • Fear and paranoia
  • Extreme exhaustion


Without support, veterans can find it incredibly difficult to reintegrate in society outside of military life. Common consequences include:

  • Sexual and romantic issues
  • Lack of interest in hobbies and activities
  • Difficulty adjusting to work
  • Stress on family relationship
  • Financial hardship


The trauma of service can manifest in a damaged relationship with the self on a spiritual level. These can potentially include:

  • Lacking personal confidence
  • Destruction of self-worth and self-esteem
  • Complete inability to function in society
  • Damaged view of self
  • Lack of interest or connection with life

Treatment at The Hader Clinic

28-Day Withdrawal & Detox Program

Many veterans under the grip of addiction will require a sensitive detox program. Here, we wean our patients of drug and alcohol, and begin therapy programs to help them maintain a healthy drug and alcohol-free lifestyle in the future.

  1. Attend our specialist medical detox and withdrawal centre
  2. Take part in group and individual sessions
  3. Benefit from ongoing support and recreation activities
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Inpatient Rehabilitation Program

The next stage of rehabilitation is about cementing long term goals for veterans. Our Inpatient Rehabilitation Program lasts between 60 and 90 days. In a safe, monitored space, we give patients the tools to adapt back to their civilian life, and help them reach their own understanding around personal responsibility and independence.

  1. Attend our second stage treatment facility
  2. Engage in group and individual counselling
  3. Enjoy ongoing support from peers and staff
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Outpatient Relapse Prevention

We understand that veterans require ongoing support and care, sometimes for years after they leave treatment. The Hader Clinic strives to prevent relapse by offering patients comprehensive aftercare services while they readjust to normal life once again.

  1. Transitional Housing supports reintegration into the community
  2. Ongoing counselling and support
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Frequently asked questions about veterans' support

Why do veterans turn to drugs and alcohol?

Combat and service place an immense strain on the body and mind. From a relatively normal civilian life, service people engage in highly stressful and chaotic situations for months at a time. Stress and danger are just one part of the military. Service people are often exposed to inhumanity on a grand scale — a loss of innocence that comes from witnessing the loss of life.

The military life trains people to become self-sufficient, and it requires that normal people persevere in adverse conditions. When veterans return home, this sense of highly trained personal responsibility can spiral. Returning service people often don't want to seek help, because in the life they know, it would be a seen as a sign of weakness.

When the mind and body is damaged, and there's nowhere to go for help, self-medication becomes the only avenue of coping. This is why veterans turn to drugs and alcohol.

How prevalent are these issues for veterans leaving service?

Substance abuse issues and mental health conditions are extremely prevalent in returned services members. In fact, it is estimated that around half of veterans leaving the Australian Defence Force face some sort of mental disorder.

Here are some more statistics from the Department of Veterans' Affairs At-Ease resource:

  • Alcohol is a significant issue amongst veterans with about 3 in 10 drinking at risky levels.
  • Vietnam veterans report a high prevalence rate of alcohol abuse, at around 43%.
  • Currently serving ADF members report a 36% lifetime prevalence of alcohol abuse.
  • Illicit drugs, including marijuana, amphetamines, ecstasy, and cocaine, are highly used by veterans. Prescription drugs, especially pain medications, are also increasing in abuse.
  • Around 3% of Vietnam veterans experience substance abuse problems.
  • Co-morbid mental health problems are high, especially depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Why doesn't the government help veterans?

The Australian federal government's Department of Veterans' Affairs offers great support systems to veterans and their families, namely through funding and access to healthcare and other services. However, the DVA is a finite resource, and with so many veterans returning home, their time and funding is often spread thin.

That's why The Hader Clinic is here to help. We are partnered with the DVA to provide holistic drug, alcohol, and comorbid mental health treatment to veterans. It doesn't matter where or when you served — we understand the issues affecting you, and can help you readjust in a comfortable and healthy setting.

Contact us about veterans' support

The Hader Clinic is here to help you understand the common issues faced by veterans. Ask a question in the  contact form, and we'll be in touch soon.

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