How Do You Get Someone to Go to Rehab?

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For a loved one
The Hader Clinic
The Hader Clinic
May 29, 2023
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Watching someone you love struggle with addiction can be a heartbreaking experience. It is difficult to know what to do or say to encourage them to seek help. However, getting someone to go to rehab is the best way to help them overcome their addiction and lead a healthy life. 

In this article, the team at The Hader Clinic will provide you with the necessary tools, advice, and resources to help your loved ones overcome their addiction and go to rehab.

Understanding The Need For Rehab

Before approaching your loved one about going to rehab, it is crucial to understand why rehab is necessary. Rehab provides the necessary professional and psychological support to those suffering from addiction and substance abuse. This drug and alcohol service helps them learn coping mechanisms, better understand the causes of their addiction, and develop skills to prevent relapse. However, it's important to note that rehab isn't a quick fix. It takes time, effort, and dedication to overcome addiction.

One of the main benefits of rehab is that it provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to recover. In rehab, individuals are surrounded by a community of people who are going through similar struggles. This can be incredibly helpful in overcoming addiction, as it provides a sense of camaraderie and support.

Recognising the signs of addiction before admitting someone into rehab

Signs of addiction may include:

  • Changes in behaviour
  • Mood swings 
  • Physical symptoms, such as tremors, sweating and loss of appetite 
  • Irritability and aggression 

It's important to pay attention to any changes in your loved one's behaviour or mood, and to look for patterns over time. Often, addiction is accompanied by other mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or trauma. These issues can complicate the recovery process and may require additional support from mental health professionals.

How to Get a Loved One Into Rehab: Approaching The Conversation 

Starting a conversation with a loved one about their addiction can be a daunting task. It takes courage and empathy to approach the topic in a way that encourages them to seek help. Addiction is a complex disease that affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. Therefore, it's crucial to approach the conversation with an open mind and a willingness to listen.

Choose the right time and place 

The timing and location of your conversation are critical. Choose a time when your loved one is sober and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Avoid having the conversation during a family gathering or a social event. Instead, choose a quiet and private place to have an open and honest conversation.

It's essential to allow enough time for the discussion. Rushing the conversation can make your loved one feel like you're not taking their concerns seriously.

Use empathy and active listening

When talking to your loved one about their addiction, it's crucial to use empathy and active listening. Empathy means putting yourself in their shoes and understanding their struggles. Active listening involves listening to them without interrupting and showing them you understand their concerns.

Avoid confrontation and blame

Avoid using accusatory or confrontational language during the conversation. This approach can make your loved one defensive and push them away from seeking help. Instead, focus on your love and support for them and your desire for their well-being.

Blaming your loved one for their addiction is not helpful. Addiction is a disease that requires treatment, not blame. 

Provide information on rehab options

One way to support your loved one is by providing them with information about various rehab options. There are different types of treatment programs, including outpatient, inpatient, and intensive outpatient programs.

Explain the benefits of each program and provide them with the necessary resources to help them choose the right program that best suits their needs. You could also offer to help them with the research and provide emotional support throughout the process.

Can You Make Someone Go to Rehab?

Understanding Involuntary Treatment

You cannot force your loved one or family member to go to rehab without their consent unless they meet the legal requirement for involuntary commitment. This includes:

  • The individual is a danger to themselves or those around them due to their substance use disorder.
  • The individual has been charged with a drug or alcohol-related offence and must undergo rehabilitation. 
  • The individual cannot make decisions about their own health or safety due to drug abuse. 

However, it is important to note that there are legal requirements that must be met before an individual can be ordered to undergo involuntary rehab treatment. In Victoria, the Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Act 2010 states that involuntary treatment can last up to 14 days for those with severe substance dependence. While this is sometimes required, it is recommended that an addict uses their autonomy to enter a rehab program.

Exploring Rehab Options

Whether your loved one is dealing with drug and alcohol addiction, mental health issues or other related issues, you’ll need to find the right treatment. There are plenty of alcohol and other drug treatment services available. 

Inpatient vs outpatient treatment

Inpatient treatment provides patients with 24-hour care and support in a distraction-free environment. Patients live at the rehab centre and receive intensive therapy and medical care. This option is ideal for individuals who require a high level of support and supervision to overcome their alcohol or drug addiction.

On the other hand, outpatient treatment programs allow patients to continue their treatment while going about their daily routine. Patients attend therapy sessions and medical appointments during the day and return home in the evening. This option is suitable for individuals who have a strong support system at home and can manage their addiction without constant supervision.

28-Day Detox 

As the first stage of addiction treatment, the 28-day detox program run by The Hader Clinic allows patients to adapt to a lifestyle free from substance abuse. This program focuses on addressing the physical, emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual effects of addiction.

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