Life after meth addiction

The Hader Clinic provides real hope, support and practical tools for recovering crystal meth addicts

Meth addicts often find it difficult to stay clean and sober and may relapse many times before finally recovering. Recovery is hard, but it doesn't have to be a life sentence. Help is available.


We offer help at our meth rehab centre. Please contact The Hader Clinic to speak with a recovery specialist. Our clinic offers priority admissions to patients in a crisis. If your situation is urgent, call our clinic immediately.

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We understand that recovering from meth addiction is difficult and takes time, patience and hard work. But we also know that it is possible.

Our team of specialists are here to support you every step of the way, providing you with the practical tools and guidance you need to rebuild your life beyond meth addiction.

After completing a 12-step program, ongoing care and support are provided to the patient in the form of:

  • Individual counselling
  • Inpatient Rehab programs
  • Outpatient Relapse prevention
  • Group therapy
  • Family support
  • Drug and alcohol education

We also offer a range of other services to help recovering meth addicts reintegrate into society, including employment assistance, financial counselling and life skills programs.

If you or someone you know is struggling with meth addiction, please know that help is available and that a happy and healthy life beyond substance abuse is possible.

The Hader Clinic explains how addicts are not able to predict how much they are going to use once they start using or control their use.


Crystal meth is considered one of the world's most addictive and dangerous substances. Getting clean is hard, and staying sober after recovering can be incredibly challenging. So how do you face life after recovering from a methamphetamine addiction?

Tip 1: Take it slow

After recovering from meth addiction, it's important to take things slow.

  • Don't try to do too much too soon
  • Give yourself time to adjust to your new life and routine
  • Slowly start reintroducing activities and hobbies that you enjoy
  • And most importantly, be patient with yourself
Women out walking in nature in the morning

Tip 2: Make amends

It's quite likely that while using meth, you caused damage to relationships with friends and family. You may have broken their trust or hurt them. Repairing loving and supportive relationships gives these people the opportunity to forgive you and welcome you back into their lives. You could start by:

  • Showing compassion for the hurt or worry your addiction has caused
  • Explain what you are doing to make sure it doesn't happen again
  • Committing to staying clean and sober
Man smiles at camera in a park

Tip 3: Get a support group or sponsor

A sponsor is someone who has been recovering from meth addiction themselves and can offer guidance, support and advice when needed. They will have been through what you're going through and will be a valuable asset on your journey to recovery. 

Support groups allow you to:

  • Meet others who are recovering from meth addiction
  • Share your experiences
  • Talk to people who understand what you're going through
  • Get peer support and advice
Woman embrace outside home.

Tip 4: Live a healthy lifestyle

One of the best things you can do for yourself after recovering from meth addiction is to live a healthy lifestyle. A healthy body will help you feel better mentally and emotionally and give you the strength you need to stay sober. This could mean:

  • Eating nutritious meals
  • Exercising regularly and getting out into nature
  • Getting plenty of rest
  • Starting new hobbies
  • Avoiding friends who are still using drugs
  • Being kind to yourself and your mental and physical well-being
Group of friends ride bicycles outside

Tip 5: Set goals

After recovering from meth addiction, setting goals can help to give you a sense of purpose and something to focus on. These goals could be short-term or long-term, but they should be realistic and achievable. Think about what you want to achieve in the next few months, in the next year and in the next 5 years. Write your goals down. Some examples of goals you could set include:

  • Getting a job
  • Going back to school or learning a new skill
  • Reconnecting with friends and family
  • Starting a new hobby
  • Volunteering in your community

These are just a few ideas to get you started. The important thing is to set goals that are meaningful to you and help you on your journey to recovery.

Man lies in the sunshine looking up at the sky
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Long-term meth use places users at an increased risk of:

  • Changes in brain functions. E.g. mental health disorders, memory loss and learning
  • Damage to the central nervous system. E.g. motor skills
  • Psychotic symptoms. E.g. delusions and hallucinations
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Affecting a new or existing mental health disorder. E.g. anxiety or depression
  • Health problems. E.g. unhealthy weight loss, high blood pressure, liver damage, cancer, chronic nosebleeds, skin sores, tooth decay and gum disease (also referred to as ‘meth mouth’) 

So, what does this mean for chronic methamphetamine users?

If you or someone you know is struggling with meth addiction, don't give up hope. Recovery is possible. Seek help. Professional medical advice and a tailored crystal methamphetamine addiction treatment program will give you the best chance of successfully living in a drug-free world.

Worried woman comforts her partner on the couch

Frequently asked questions about life after methamphetamine addiction

How long does it take for brain chemistry to return to normal?

It can take some time for brain chemistry to return to normal after stopping meth use. This is because dopamine production can take some time to recover. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood and motivation. With time and abstinence, dopamine levels will eventually return to normal.

However, some things can be done to help support dopamine production in the meantime. Medical professionals can prescribe medications such as l-methylfolate, which is a natural form of folate (a B vitamin). This can be especially helpful for people struggling with fatigue and low energy levels.

Is it possible to fully recover from an addiction?

Yes, it is possible to fully recover from an addiction. Chronic meth users do face a difficult journey to sobriety, partly due to the serious adverse reaction on the body from drug abuse. 

However, with proper care from a dedicated drug rehab facility, you can fully recover after methamphetamine abuse. Thousands of people have beaten meth addiction and gone on to live happy and healthy lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with meth addiction, don't give up hope.

What is the last stage of addiction?

The last stage of addiction is known as recovery. This is when a person stops using drugs and starts to rebuild their life. In order to be successful in recovery, it is important to have a strong support system in place. This might include family, friends, 12-step groups or therapy. It is also important to avoid people and places associated with drug use.

Recovery is a lifelong process, but it is possible to live a happy and fulfilling life without drugs.

How does the brain heal after addiction?

The brain heals after addiction by repairing the damage caused by drug use. This process can take some time, but with abstinence and treatment, the brain can eventually heal.

One of the most important things you can do for your brain is to stay away from drugs. This will allow your brain the time it needs to recover and repair the damage caused by addiction.

What effect does snorting meth have on your health? Is it more or less damaging than smoking meth?

Snorting meth is just as damaging as smoking meth. Both methods can damage sinus cavities and can lead to a host of health problems, including:

  • Nosebleeds
  • Nasal damage
  • Sinus infections
  • Respiratory problems

In addition, both methods increase the risk of contracting HIV and other blood-borne diseases. So, if you're using meth, it's best to stop as soon as possible to avoid any further damage to your health.

What are the chances of relapsing?

The chances of relapsing are high, especially in the early stages of recovery. This is because withdrawal symptoms can be intense and difficult to deal with.

What substance has the highest rate of relapse?

Methamphetamine has one of the highest rates of relapse. This is because it is such a powerful and highly-addictive drug. Meth withdrawal symptoms can be intense and difficult to deal with, prompting many users to start using again. 

However, with the help of medical detox managed by licensed medical professionals and concurrent specialised treatment for meth addiction, thousands of crystal meth users have gone on to lead full and happy lives in a world free of substance abuse.

How do I prevent relapsing?

There are things you can do to prevent relapsing, such as attending 12-step meetings, therapy and staying away from people and places associated with drug use. It is also important to have a strong support system in place.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and the negative consequences of chronic meth use, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Many resources and treatment options are available to help you maintain abstinence on your journey to recovery.

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